Has been a long time since I have actually made a hateful post about something, but this really pisses me off. This post is not just about youtube scene and vloggers, more like about whole population and majority of people and their lifestyle and thinking.

When you nowadays check vloggers on youtube who actually have some impact on people (mainly teenagers) they don't talk about anything intelligent (the majority of them, like 99%). Beauty vlogs, funny challenges and fun videos everywhere, then we have the trash talk and gossips and also some "wannabe intelligent" videos but they don't have any "core message" anyways. I mean it's good to have some hobby and to be funny but this world is in such bad condition because there's no seriousness and only fun (absolutely everywhere and mainly in my generation). Mankind is forgetting to actually take some things really seriously and mainly what mankind keeps forgetting is to THINK.

This isn't about the youtube scene at all, but humanity in general. If we want to understand why there are mainly meaningless videos on youtube we need to take a closer look at humanity; most humans are simply shallow and close-minded. This is what we became. Now I'm gonna talk about my generation - I have this feeling that majority of them are just about parties, drinking, and shopping (and sharing their bullshit all over social media while desperately looking for social approval and admiration).

I already made countless posts about this - I really mind that people are so shallow. For me, it's like people are living in their bubbles (in this bubble is family, friends) and they just don't give a damn about what is happening in the world in global meaning at all. Or if they do, they just see certain things and don't see the other things (probably result of shallow exploration as well?)
People simply don't like to explore and learn anymore (have they ever really liked it? idk). For me, it's very frustrating to watch people act like this because it's destroying the individuality and potential of any person. It's like the whole conformity which is in this world enormous is killing and suppressing the "true self" in people.

It's always us WHO actually make the decisions - when it comes to everything. If people really just saw their power, but they just don't for not reasonable reasons. It might be the fact that people somehow became comfortable with not having such responsibility for their own lives and they actually prefer that they can easily hide behind some other authority, to not feel responsible for things (mainly the bad ones) which are constantly happening in the world (but we are all responsible because we let all important decision making to few bastards) or simply the fact that people aren't prepared mentally for such spiritual evolution and ALSO not ready to decide important things on their own. Might be that this "mental evolution" started happening, but only a few individuals realize it. There are six billion people manipulated by few individuals; but in the end, we are the ones letting someone else enslave us and make conformal and part of a dysfunctional system. If we want to blame someone we can just look into the mirror and blame ourselves. That's the ugly truth, standing here like a shadow, never leaving.

Hey guys, long time no see. I wanted to make some post which would consist of my recent thoughts; I'm really philosophic and abstract type when it comes to thinking. I'm somehow just not as practical as the majority of people. As a result of that, I think all the time about abstract things or theories. 

A few days ago I was just listening to music while walking my path to University and kinda got confused (by people). People were everywhere, walking in very fast pace (they seemed to me like hunters). I have been always wondering what are their goals; I realize that we live in a world which requires very good and fast performance, but what are consequences? More stress, health issues which are linked to mental issues from constant pressure, no time for family, busy parents and stuff like this. I find it kinda wrong but I realize it probably won't change in a long time because that's how currently world works and people are not willing (the majority don't even want) to change that. Maybe it's because we, humans are focused too much on material objects instead of preferring something that can't be visible, although it's very valuable. I'm not trying to say those material things aren't necessary, we are humans with real, physical bodies and biological needs, but aren't we focusing too much attention to only one side of ourselves? I think it's important to take care of that spiritual/mental part of ourselves as well. We need to sometimes stop that fast pace and just try to explore our inner self. I agree that we need to learn and we need proper education, although we need to learn something about ourselves too; and that cannot be given by another individual. Only by ourselves. Thinking is important too; in recent time I just let my thoughts flow, without censoring anything, to see what are major issues in my personality. I didn't feel ashamed of anything and just talked with myself absolutely randomly. It might sound ridiculous, but it really helps. I discovered many things which I have been unable to identify for a long time. I recommend this for everyone who doesn't know how to define himself because I think that humans can't be identified as just name, number or anything physical. This goes beyond anything like that. 

The second topic I wanted to discuss is the book named Man's Search for Meaning by Frankl. I recommend this book for absolutely everyone because it supported my idea from my childhood that pain can lead to greater, positive results and personality changes. I don't wanna spoil the book, although I realized that what really defines us aren't just some personality traits or mental illnesses, tempers or anything similar (labels like a sociopath, psychopath, ADHD, extroversy-introversy etc.). What really defines us is how we act in that little freedom we are given in any situation. Why some psychopaths who feel no remorse are able to kill and others don't? Why some keep resisting and others don't? Why even "normal" people are capable of horrible things? There must be something more than countless personality traits what define us. It's like some inner voice (Freud would say it's our superego); I would call it some debate between our inner conscience and ourselves, our minds. It's still we who is in control. In any situation, we are still having at least a little freedom. Even in miserable conditions, we still choose our mindset and some of our actions. Those are things which can not be taken away. EVER. It's still we who create and define ourselves. We decide what we take from every situation, even, from people. That's why I have never taken drugs and never been drunk; never smoke; it didn't matter that I wanted badly belong somewhere and had friends who were doing all these stuff mentioned above. I still felt responsible for my life and actions I take. And I hope that every person can do the same. To decide according to themselves while listening to their inner voice. Until you are schizophrenic. Then you better don't (smile emoticon).

Sometimes I really wonder why people underestimate supports and don't see them equal to other roles. I occasionally play mid lane and that's the time when I clearly realize how important is the role of support. Yes, I main support, mainly "protective" supports like Soraka, Janna, Lulu, Karma, Nami, but I never thought about myself as about someone who just got carried to higher division because of that.

But seriously, some people claim that when your main supports like Janna, who can just shield ADC, stay behind are getting carried by their teammates. Is it true? Well, from my experience, no, it's not enough to just do that and get carried. I don't doubt that some people below dia (not all, but just my experiences) think about supports this way because there are not very good players (no offense). But when it comes to higher diamond/Master/Challenger you need to have a really good knowledge about a game if you want to play and main supports. It's not just about shielding on cooldown your ad carry. Claims like "supports like Janna getting carried, no real supps" are literally giving me cancer. 

Role of support, the real support is about having a great map awareness and also control with a well-placed vision across the map (stealth wards, vision wards) and also clearing enemy's vision, it's crucial for winning a game (ambushes, facechecks, objectives). Also, you need to have a knowledge about what you can afford in trades on bot lane, know how to position yourself in team fights to not die and the most important thing is that you need to know how to protect your ad carry.   And it most cases when you are against a team with a lot of assassins or tanks or just fed mages you have a big struggle to do it the right way. Not to mention a win on bot during the laning phase is based mostly on how support performs.

To explain furthermore, in my opinion, it's not easy protecting an ad carry even if you play "an easy" champion like Janna. Honestly, she might have fewer skillshots but the thing is not many people know how to play her in the correct way. First thing is you need to know how to trade on bot lane which is really difficult against aggressive supports like Thresh/Braum/Bard who just take ignite and after they land some skillshot you are usually dead (or your ad carry). Not to mention the importance of Janna's ultimate and Q spell. You need to have a good reaction time in team fights and use the ultimate properly, otherwise, you can fail whole team fight/your ad carry or someone else die.

Main supports, don't get annoyed by people who don't appreciate your role. There's absolutely nothing wrong with gaining supports if you really enjoy that :).

Hey guys, I just wanted to share some thoughts with you related to League of Legends. I had some dia 2 struggles on EUNE these weeks and couldn't reach diamond 2 at all. I tried every day to get diamond 2, was in series and lost like 5 times, maybe even more. Although I didn't rage quit or anything like that, I just somehow dealt with it and tried to accept that if I really deserve that division soon or later I will just get there. And it actually worked! I tryharded every game I played and I can say that being positive and just trying each game my best got me into diamond 1 again. I know that many people are saying that EUNE is a lot easier when you compare it to EUW, although I have to say that in dia elo aren't such differences. I have diamond 4 on EUW and those people are just the same as on East in d2,d3 elo. So if you really want something stop mocking around and try harder! :3 note: I played midlane and I was like a supp :<

This is actually a really hot topic in every gaming community, not just when it comes to the League of Legends community. 

People, mostly boys are assuming that grill gamers are just boosted to higher divisions by their friends. Why? Well, the answer is very simple - because they are girls (◣_◢).

I've actually witnessed first-hand multiple times how people react when you have high elo/tier/division/rating in World of Warcraft or League of Legends. It does not matter how you achieved it tbh, your rank will be questioned NO MATTER WHAT based on your gender and I guarantee that boys won't go through the same hassle even if they posted the same screenshot/had exactly same stats as you (because they are boys after all).

So, are we all truly "boosted"? What does it even mean? In competitive gaming, namely League of Legends, a word describing a player who has had a player log into his or her account and raised the rank of the account. I am 100% sure that there are girls who are just getting straight boosted to a higher division from silver to get that fancy gold border, but that's only a small percentage of the cases.

League of Legends community is forgetting something; they accuse only GIRLS for some reason and I think that's a complex of superiority, hiding their inferiority when they see a girl with higher rank and get jealous of that or can be caused also by stereotypes in gaming culture and culture itself. Every time I see girls somewhere posting her achievements in games, to some group on Facebook or on Twitter, boys are spamming "boosted grill", "boosted" or even calling her slut. Why are they doing this, though? I have seen so many times BOYS who even paid for higher division (I mean there is even elo boosting when you search on google) and it's a common thing that they also play with their friends who are smurfing in low elo to boost them for free. 

Let me clarify something - I know it's not fair that some girl/boy is playing with smurfs who are clearly really high division but why the hell does League community always point out this behavior only when girls are included and boys don't get this "special treatment"?

Of course, more boys play League than girls so it's logical, but I don't think a girl would pay for something like that anyway (?).  In general, I am more than certain than boys are more likely to get their higher-ranked friends to play on their accounts (or strangers in case of elo boosting sites) only because they like to brag about it in front of other people and due to their competitiveness. Note: of course we can find exceptions everywhere.

The second case is that people are replacing the real definition of boosted with just "getting carried". Carry is a definition of someone who is a primary carrying the game by killing other players or assisting allies to slay other players and has a great influence on a game. So people refer to girls as "you were just carried to this elo". Arguments for this are associated with Dynamic Queue in League of Legends which allows you to invite other players to your ranked game. The first thing why this argument is kind of invalid is that you can't duo/triple queue with someone who is absolutely out of your elo because League itself doesn't allow you to do that. For example Diamond I: Can only queue with Diamond I, II, III, IV, Challenger, and Master Tier players, while Silver Tier: Can only queue with Bronze, Silver and Gold Tier players. For more information click here.

What is really making me think that the gaming community lost common sense is also that this looks like girls can't even play with friends any more? If I am having fun with my friend while I am playing duo queue, should I stop doing that just because someone thinks that my friend is carrying me to higher elo? Of course no!

I think that most of the players play games because they want to have fun and I see no reason to accuse dumb assumptions like that. I personally love playing supports in League and main Soraka, which is a healer/support champion. I play duo queue often and also triple queue as well because I enjoy it more than playing alone. I don't consider myself boosted. I am trying hard each game to improve and to win a game, I'm trying to be positive and somehow cheer up myself even if I'm losing. In most cases, I win bot lane and I'm still useful in late as well (of course there are exceptions, but not many, everyone has bad games).

My point is that almost all boys I know who play League play with their friends' dynamic queue, so they are getting carried as well? Should we comment every boy who plays with his friend or friends as carried by him/them? That's just stupid! At this point, you should already realize how stupid is commenting on every girl that she is boosted/ carried. It's pointless. I have advice for people who do that: let people live their lives and enjoy their favorite activities because that's what's life about. Being happy. Why spreading hate even in the game which should lead to fun? :)

In recent time I was watching a lot of TV shows about killers and it led me to question myself, why people kill other people? This topic is so large that even I have problems to describe all my thoughts about it. Is it so frequent just nowadays? No, of course not, people were killing each other in the past as well. Reasons and tools used for killing might differ, but the point is the same; mankind killed in the past, mankind kills nowadays and mankind will kill in the future as well. For whatever reasons with whatever tools.

But what's behind this? Why can't person control himself when he is aware of predictable consequences of his behavior (like jail)? Of course, I realize that some people might have some reason to kill another human being; when they are endangered it can produce agression and lead to killing someone; or when they see some real injustice I can kind of understand their motives to kill someone in order to take revenge. But still, not all killers are psychopaths or sociopaths with real personality disorders!

Sometimes even people considered normal, with "normal"psyché kill. I personally think that except serial killers who are mainly sadists and like to see their preys suffer majority of people kill because of lack of conscience and moral values. Yes. I don't blame lack of money or some affairs responsible for this. Every person can cope with these things, feelings, whatever even without killing, but some people just don't! And I blame poor morals and lack of self-control for this. First thing what led me to think this was that every person can experience emotional trauma, distress, can be betrayed, cheated on, whatever, but they won't go to kill someone. Second thing what led me to blame poor morals (which are not transparent of course, that's why people often blame affairs, betrayal, lack of money and etc.) is that even majority of people who have alexithymia won't kill people. Why? According to many of them they don't really care about people, don't like them nor miss them, but they won't kill them. They don't need emotional attachment to know this. Because they still have conscience and self - control! They still have morals, cognitively created construct in their heads which won't allow them to do that. So my question is, can we really blame emotions responsible for this from any point of view?

Poor morals must mean that the society failed. Including parents and the closest social enviroment and the widest macroenviroment as well. You might noticed, there's something missing in the schools. Just forcing kids to learn some knowledge isn't enough. They need to think, not just memorize. People forgot to think. Also, ethic educations sucks too. Knowledge without having real morals and self-control means NOTHING. Even killer can be intelligent. Plus, I would suggest completely different way of learning with highlighting the way of searching for informations and comparing them and then explaining instead of dull memorizing, but that's off of this topic. 

So first I would like to provide you a definition of a term tilted: angry, perturbed, specifically caused by a video game.

When you are looking for an answer what causes it you only need to look into a mirror. Yes, it's you who is responsible for this state of mind. And the change to being "untilted" comes with a change of attitude. 

I created this ladder of questions and advices in order to help players to realize what's wrong. Try to answer the following questions yourself honestly: 

1. Why do I play this game? 
The reason you do it-even if you do it competetively-should be because you enjoy the game, whether you play alone because of the game itself or because you play it with friends. The rule is simple, you should enjoy the game most of the time instead of being tilted. Realize why you started to play this game in the first place and why you didn't quit. 

2. What makes me tilted and why?
So typical answers for this are usually: "other teammates", "my own stupid mistakes", "I won but my support was bad af", "I had to carry 1v9", "someome flamed me and was bad himself", "someone was trolling", and "my jungle went afk and I could continue forever". But why do you let them to make you tilted anyways? Your goals in whatever game you play should be to improve yourself, to be close to perfection as much as you can independently of OTHERS (Note: if you play just for fun ignore this part). It's not about other players. Let them be as bad as they can be, let them be as toxic as they can be, it's about you noticing their mistakes and learn from them; you noticing your own mistakes and learning from them, not about noticing others and even playing bad because of that. If you can't really read chat because it ends up with you being tilted, just mute all players and it's fixed.

3.Why shouldn't I play when I feel tilted?
Answer is easy. You will most likely lose. Your emotions are distracting you and you can't focus clearly on game so you can't perform as if you weren't tilted. If you already failed to control yourself and started to feel uneasy you should stop. Change your activity, stereotype isn't good for mind; try to change it to something not related to electronic devices. Grab an interesting book, go out with someone, do some physical activity and you will for sure stop being tilted when you come back to the game. 

4. But ... 
Are you already trying to reject what you just read? Yes, this is how most humans work. They give up easily. Though you don't need to. The change of attitude is very hard, but when you realize how much you can benefit from it, you will for sure try more. Imagine yourself again being able to enjoy every game you play (for example in League of Legends) to its fullest. Imagine yourself being better and better everyday. Isn't that your goal? You are the master of your own mind, prove it! Thoughts don't control you, but you are the one responsible for controlling them. Try to think positive without negating that it doesn't work when you haven't even tried. Quit moping around and try harder!

5. What other things can I do to stop being tilted? Important thing is to realize that attitude is more than 50% of winning. Some games, no matter how unwinnable they seem to be, can be won when you try really HARD and don't give up. Never surrender is actually a good idea when it comes to learning how to improve yourself. DO YOUR BEST in EVERY GAME. Don't comment on others, don't flame them, quietly learn. Even if all players in your team were bad, you can still do your best and at least improve your KDA and improve your individual skill; it wasn't a game in vain in the end, you actually learned a lot. You don't play just for a win. Everyone has bad games sometimes, even you. No one can say that he hasn't had any bad games and he hasn't made any mistakes. You probably did many mistakes in the game too, so try to think about that instead of focusing on how bad someone else played. Try to think about what you can improve, when exactly you made a mistake, and how to not repeat it in the future. Accept this and you will go beyond your own limits. Realize that you can't change how other people play, but you can focus on how you play and how to make yourself better. If you are about to flame, stop yourself. Flaming will only make it worse and can tilt others. Realize that flaming people is your own failure, you can't even manage to control yourself. Take it as a test of self control.

Good luck ^.^

Have you ever been wondering why you like to read creepy pasta or creepy stories, watch horror movies or watch scary footages of people being assassinated or EVEN go to the next level such as go to the subreddit r/watchpeopledie and scroll through hundreds of videos of people killed in different ways and even enjoy it? (note: in the end of this article I summarized most disturbing subreddit sections, red flag 18+ only!)

First of all, it's a common thing between people, more common than you would think. People just like to be scared. Reasons? The experience of something new and rare brings excitment. Do you remember those times you were just kids and used to just read creepy stories or tried to scare your friends with stories about ghosts or even imitating them? What were your intentions backthen? 

Answer to this question is really simple. It's just human nature to seek excitement in everyday life, something different than usual. There is also a reason why we enjoy watching horror movies with another person. We like to observe their reactions as well, just to feed our curiosity (note: I realize that for example some girls might want just to feel safe and cuddle with their bf's while watching it and the motive is different!). 

As we grow up, we need something more disturbing than we experienced before because stories of ghosts aren't enough anymore, we need to increase the level to experience the same level of excitement as before. We don't usually watch people die in car accidents or we don't usually experience paranormal phenomena which can be found in horror movies, so we seek it and watch it and at the same time we fear it and the result is an experience of different level of excitement. The same thing with porn. You can check just out of curiosity some sections you don't even like for other purposes than usual. For example, just to make fun of it. This is the same thing but with different content.

So another question: are we messed up in head? I don't think so (except the people who go to the next level of killing someone to experience something more real). We actually don't need to support violence when we watch people being assassinated, we are just naturally curious and excited to see what happens and how exactly. People are actually really complicated when it comes to satisfying their needs, they can be manifested through various objects and phenomena. We might have almost the same needs, but when it comes to a way of satisfying them it's really particular, every person has different tastes (and I'm not talking just about food, generally). 

So basically, this fear we enjoy is done so just because we know that we are not threatened or no one important to us is being threatened. If we would find some disturbing content with someone who is related to us, that "exciting" fear would turn into real fear. Also, not every person can watch real people die, some people just watch these relatively unreal horror movies, because they realize what happens in the movie can't be real and that makes them feel safe. Also, some people don't really seek scary content, it really depends. I can say that I need new stimuli in my life and I simply enjoy watching messed up reddit threads and horror movies because it satisfies this need. But of course, I don't support the idea that mentally unstable people or  especially kids should watch something like this because it can mess them up .

Most disturbing content on reddit (red flag, 18+ only):
"Shinichi, I looked up the concept of demons, I believe that among all life, humans are the closest creatures to it. Humans kill and eat a wide variety of life forms. My kind eats merely one or two kinds at most. We are quite frugal in comparison." Migi, Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu.

Here we go, guys. This is the topic I have been thinking about a lot recently. What is written above makes me a question: what are we? Humans consider themselves as the most intelligent beings in the world, but I just somehow can't see it the same way. Can we consider ourselves as the most intelligent based only on the ability of speech and think somehow more complex than other species? Sure, when it comes to technical progress and developing new devices, but somehow I feel that humanity forgot about something that is way more important than that. We exist only because we have the air, water, and nature which grants us food. Biologically, we are still dependent on nature. But that makes me wonder: why is mankind forgetting about these things? What humans do is basically destroying their own environment; polluting air, water, destroying forests for wood, killing animals while protecting others or even killing each other (absurdity is the second term which I would use to describe humans). So yes, unfortunately, I must admit - we are self-destructive and I agree with the quote above - among all life, humans are the closest creatures to demons. It's not just about how humans bring destruction upon nature itself, humans bring destruction to themselves as well. We are part of nature and I'm waiting for the rest of the world to realize this. I realize that in this current world not many people care about these things and not many people can see this clearly. Something is just wrong with this world. People care more about Kim Kardashian's ass than about things that should matter to everyone. Honestly, this world wouldn't need leaders or government if humans would have common sense. But they became too comfortable with just obeying other people who are in charge, the people who can be considered to take a part of the responsibility for what's happening in the world instead of trying to find out what's right and what's not right in their own psyché, soul, call it whatever you want. Though I am not convinced if every person has this ability when I see the terrifying things happening everywhere in the world. 

So I came to a conclusion which may sound cruel, but I consider it the only natural. I believe that a solution to these problems might be a natural predator for humans. Some different life form, stronger than humans - because we don't seem to be capable of using our self- defined intelligence to do the right things. When I compare it to other species, we devour the planet so much that life won't exist after a few decades if we will continue. Other animals basically live in peace when I compare it to our kind. Not to mention, humans are able to kill their own kind for absurd things. Humans can enjoy fucked up things like rape, torture, or the abuse of another human being. Humans should be awarded for being absolutely the most disgusting creatures on this earth when it comes to empathy and compassion for others (note: others as every life form). This lack of a spiritual element in humans is a true plague.

We, "strong humans" decide what species should be killed and eaten like we are superior to them all, while the human population itself should be reduced. I don't deny the laws of nature, I understand how animals work, I know that it's only natural for them to kill for food if they are flesh-eaters but humans are hypocrites when they decide which animals should be hunted because they are according to them overpopulated while HUMAN OVERPOPULATION is clearly an existing problem, I would say way bigger than some animal "overpopulation". We apply these humane rights only to OURSELVES, to humans (note: or we just claim to do?). No compassion for these animals, they are overpopulated anyway. But hello? They feel pain as well, they want to fight for their lives as well! What gives us the right to decide which kind should be reduced? Absurd humans sometimes act like some primitive barbarians. 

In general, humans are the most-selfish creatures acting superior the whole time, because we think we can't be endangered by anything just because we are right now on the top of the food chain. But in my opinion, everything evolves and the time when some predator stronger and more intelligent than humans will be born humans will realize their absurdity for sure. It might be the last thing which mankind will realize. 

Note: I realize that not every human being can be found in my view of the world and mankind. But the majority can.

*Arrigato onii-chan for edit*