Many people wonder why are some people rich, bad, and still in a good health are relatively happy. How can karma exist if this is possible? Well, the answer is more than satisfying, trust me. 

Everything that we do in THIS current life is written to the soul without the possibility of removing it under any condition (confessing sins won't help). Every crime, every kindness, every thought, action, feeling, they are all there. The soul accumulates all these experiences throughout life and next life (maybe not in this world, but in the other one, in completely different physical form) it will be all accounted for. People who are very cruel and bad will be born as the weakest and most fragile next life (and will suffer a lot) in order to learn and evolve spiritually. 

Seemingly we pity some people who are suffering (like disabled people) but trust me, their souls are learning even this way. We have no way of looking into their past lives or know what they did in previous lives, even though it may sound cruel. 

People are asking very often - why did this happen to me? What have I done? And the answer is there are certain key events which you must encounter throughout life - like meeting the close souls from the previous life, going somewhere, screwing up your life, even watching some movies or bumping into certain topics can lead your life in a completely different direction than before. Remember though that even in the worst situation you still have freedom of choice (even if it's very limited!). You can still decide what to do - how to think and how to act, which can completely change the course of your next life. 

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