So first I would like to provide you a definition of a term tilted: angry, perturbed, specifically caused by a video game.
When you are looking for an answer what causes it you only need to look into a mirror. Yes, it's you who is responsible for this state of mind. And the change to being "untilted" comes with a change of attitude.
I created this ladder of questions and advices in order to help players to realize what's wrong. Try to answer the following questions yourself honestly:
1. Why do I play this game?
The reason you do it-even if you do it competetively-should be because you enjoy the game, whether you play alone because of the game itself or because you play it with friends. The rule is simple, you should enjoy the game most of the time instead of being tilted. Realize why you started to play this game in the first place and why you didn't quit.
2. What makes me tilted and why?
So typical answers for this are usually: "other teammates", "my own stupid mistakes", "I won but my support was bad af", "I had to carry 1v9", "someome flamed me and was bad himself", "someone was trolling", and "my jungle went afk and I could continue forever". But why do you let them to make you tilted anyways? Your goals in whatever game you play should be to improve yourself, to be close to perfection as much as you can independently of OTHERS (Note: if you play just for fun ignore this part). It's not about other players. Let them be as bad as they can be, let them be as toxic as they can be, it's about you noticing their mistakes and learn from them; you noticing your own mistakes and learning from them, not about noticing others and even playing bad because of that. If you can't really read chat because it ends up with you being tilted, just mute all players and it's fixed.
3.Why shouldn't I play when I feel tilted?
Answer is easy. You will most likely lose. Your emotions are distracting you and you can't focus clearly on game so you can't perform as if you weren't tilted. If you already failed to control yourself and started to feel uneasy you should stop. Change your activity, stereotype isn't good for mind; try to change it to something not related to electronic devices. Grab an interesting book, go out with someone, do some physical activity and you will for sure stop being tilted when you come back to the game.
4. But ...
Are you already trying to reject what you just read? Yes, this is how most humans work. They give up easily. Though you don't need to. The change of attitude is very hard, but when you realize how much you can benefit from it, you will for sure try more. Imagine yourself again being able to enjoy every game you play (for example in League of Legends) to its fullest. Imagine yourself being better and better everyday. Isn't that your goal? You are the master of your own mind, prove it! Thoughts don't control you, but you are the one responsible for controlling them. Try to think positive without negating that it doesn't work when you haven't even tried. Quit moping around and try harder!
5. What other things can I do to stop being tilted? Important thing is to realize that attitude is more than 50% of winning. Some games, no matter how unwinnable they seem to be, can be won when you try really HARD and don't give up. Never surrender is actually a good idea when it comes to learning how to improve yourself. DO YOUR BEST in EVERY GAME. Don't comment on others, don't flame them, quietly learn. Even if all players in your team were bad, you can still do your best and at least improve your KDA and improve your individual skill; it wasn't a game in vain in the end, you actually learned a lot. You don't play just for a win. Everyone has bad games sometimes, even you. No one can say that he hasn't had any bad games and he hasn't made any mistakes. You probably did many mistakes in the game too, so try to think about that instead of focusing on how bad someone else played. Try to think about what you can improve, when exactly you made a mistake, and how to not repeat it in the future. Accept this and you will go beyond your own limits. Realize that you can't change how other people play, but you can focus on how you play and how to make yourself better. If you are about to flame, stop yourself. Flaming will only make it worse and can tilt others. Realize that flaming people is your own failure, you can't even manage to control yourself. Take it as a test of self control.
When I am on a tilt I usually takes a break a hour or two :) after that I play on my smurf or normal works for me
ReplyDeleteThat might help for someone but I would say it's better to relax while doing something else ^^