I've kept asking the same question my entire life from my childhood (despite wanting to see everything positive like some people suggest, it's completely impossible for me to see our world this way). The reason is very simple - I see so many wrong things on so many levels in this world that I just can't keep "only positive" mind. And I do not feel bad for it. This is me. I accepted that I am made this way, I am made this way to point out what is wrong with the current world and society because I feel the need to do so. If someone chooses to be blind to it, then so be it, but I feel the need to express my feelings/ thoughts freely without any restrictions. 

1. "People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think." - Huxley. 

Yes. It's not just about the disinformation in the media all over (TV is actually the worst because there is only propaganda which is completely controlled, compared to the internet where you can find some good sources), but also about decreasing the ability to critically think about events or things in general. It seems like people get so easily deceived by sweet talks instead of trying to find the truth from multiple sources and actually THINKING about things instead of accepting everything what some authority/celebrity or whoever who has the position to influence masses says. Another great example is adoration of celebrities who achieved literally nothing except being famous for being "attractive". No matter how dumb they are. Viva Kardashians! These role models bring absolutely no value and show no valuable morals whatsoever.

2. We are literally amusing ourselves to death. 

Ignorance is bliss, isn't it? So many people/animals/environment suffer, but we keep a blind eye on it.  We just go on with our everyday lives. Instead of focusing on what matters,  people focus on doing things which are considered "fun". Shopping, clubbing, drinking, chit-chatting, small talks and stuff. You know what I mean. We forgot to be serious about things and responsible. For ourselves (which is very sad by the way).

3. "When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money."

I can't stress this enough. We are not treating our planet and environment right. Everything we have here is only for a borrowed time. Nature is alive. Despite this all being said, humans are destroying nature and treating it like it's owned by them and they can do whatever they want with it. It has never belonged to us and never will. And it backfires on us already as we plague it (every other person will get diagnosed with cancer nowadays throughout their life).

Animals are equals to us, they have the same right to live as we do. Yet some humans eat meat when it's absolutely not necessary. Yet some humans destroy their natural environment for profit. Choosing to eat animal meat leads to cruelty, barbarism, waste of food & destroying the environment. 70% of the grain we grow goes to animals which are going to be a slaughter for literally no reason. We are supposed to treasure and protect nature & living beings, but instead, people destroy them & don't value them at all. 

We are all being too shallow. Including me, even though I am really trying to not waste too much money on pointless things. Yes, this system is making us think that we need to earn a lot of money to get all the things we see everywhere. But... do these things make us really happy? Do they really make that emptiness in our souls disappear? I will add Shania Twain reference here - our religion is to go and "blow it all". All we ever want is more (a lot more than we had before). But my question for you is where is the point of this unsustainable all-consuming lifestyle & world? Maybe if we rather focused on developing our morals and spirituality or simply said, if we rather focused on how to be good people would be enough to evolve and not feel empty internally. 

4. People fail to see the bigger picture: elites & bankers behind this fucked up system. 

Clearly, these are people who are actually pulling the strings from behind, horrible people who only thrive power & control over masses. We are like a battery in the system, yet we fail to realize it. We just follow the same paths blinded by a vision of "democracy" which does not exist. We are not free. Your life is linked - you have to attend a school, you have to work if you want to live a decent life, you have to follow so many rules & accept so many restrictions or you will be punished. Everything belongs to someone and you are basically forced to get some money in order to get at least "standard quality" life. 

That's the world we live in. That's the system SOMEONE implemented here. You think there is not enough food or money for everyone to live a good life? Of course, there is and I believe you already know it. Greediness has no limit when it comes to elites who hide behind the biggest companies/ banks. Our food became poisoned and low quality, filled with chemical toxins. Pharma industry is expanding despite not really curing, merely suppressing something and failing. Why succeed with curing when you need sick people for the profit? Politicians are merely puppets in the hands of elites. But if you are looking for the guilty you just need to look into a mirror. We are enablers of THIS. We let this happen to ourselves. 

5. How to fix this mess?

The most important part of this topic! Start with fixing yourself. Easiest method fully approved by me is to critically think about absolutely everything what you encounter. Don't just accept information recklessly. Pay close attention to your environment - show that you care & value nature and animals. Don't get too obsessed with material belongings. They will all perish and won't bring you long-term happiness nor satisfaction. Do not try to be a person you are not for the highest price which is losing yourself, your true identity. You might not be understood by people, you might be considered weird but that's okay. There are people who will understand you and you will meet them for sure and that's better than forcing yourself into the group of people where you don't belong and where you would just "play games". Stay true to yourself. Be the person you won't be ashamed of when you look in the mirror before you go to sleep. 

I will keep this post short and relevant just to end this debate once and for all. So - is there any skill difference between EUNE & EUW?

I will talk from my own experience (5 seasons on EUNE, 3 seasons on EUW). My opinions are also influenced in a major way in a point of view of other players who are high elo (Master +).

There is a difference. But not as huge as some people are implying when it comes to lower tiers (no, you can't be gold EUW and diamond EUNE). I am currently diamond 3 player on EUW and was able to peak Master on EUNE relatively easily in this season, so I must admit that west is definitely a lot harder in mid diamond.

Yes, players in mid diamond are definitely better on EUW than on EUNE, mainly when I think of the macro play. EUNE really lacks macro play and also mechanics are slightly worse on EUNE as well (I'm armless support though, so I don't need to care too much).

I used to smurf in lower elo (like gold) on both servers and it seems to me almost the same, maybe some very slight differences, but I would go as far as saying that difference is maybe one max two tiers.

When it comes to mid diamond I can already see a huge gap between EUNE & EUW, not to talk about Master (mainly higher Master, not people who played 2000 games to get there to drop next day) and Challenger players. Population density is higher on EUW and also all pro players play exclusively on EUW for a reason. I would estimate that people who are mid Master on EUW with solid win ratio can get easily top 10 challenger on EUNE, even top 1 if they want to if we want to demonstrate the huge difference in skill in the highest tier.

So in the end - if you want to go pro or to get really better, focus on playing on EUW, because EUNE is the server where you can chill and have fun, but it's nowhere as competitive as EUW (and nowhere as toxic from my experience).

I'm adding my challenger screenshot from s7 EUNE to brag (JK, I play for fun, but it was cool to get challenger anyways) ;)


Is there such a thing as free will or are we chained by destiny? As the thoughts flew to me naturally, without rethinking or overthinking I came to the conclusion that there is more to this and it's not as simple as anticipated. 

There is fate, but I understand it probably a little differently than other definitions of fate. Fate means that we are bound to discover certain things or meet certain people or anything inevitable, even in a negative way (like death).

Although this could seem like we have no free will if everything is fate - no, not everything. Only certain important, life-changing (key) events are the aftermath of destiny. Destiny can be understood as karma from previous lives too (for me it's the same thing). Karma is basically an accumulation of all that you thought, did, and felt in previous lives as I already explained before. Therefore these key events occur no matter what we do because they are inevitable. That's why we for example always ask why does this human suffers so much, he was so good whole life... Why is this happening? Life is unfair! Well, it seems that way, but it's actually not. We must experience these things in order to evolve spiritually, as I wrote before. No one evolves in a dual world without experiences of great suffering and happiness too (and other emotions of course). Just some people tend to suffer more than others (and this is the result of fate or karma).

Our minds are greater than we expect - they are able to influence so many things in the physical world, even though we produce only feelings or thoughts (images) of certain phenomena. This all is leading to shifts in our possible futures. I can give you an example of my weird illness without going into detail (doctors can't really help me) - I didn't give up. I could, but instead, I tried to fix it in my own way, an alternative way. I am still working on it but it improved so much just by my own shift in thinking and realizing how powerful is mind. I might write about this topic later in the future too. And that's what I mean - even though for example something terrible happens and there was no way of deflecting it, we are still able to have our own free will at that moment and decide what are we going to think and do next. Even at the worst moment, or at the best, it's us who decide the next action. It's us who define our next destination by our lives in this world too.


Would you believe me if I told you that a few weeks ago I had literally only vague answers about this topic and was completely lost in my vague thoughts about all the information I now put into words on my blog? 

Well, that is the case. I have always been chasing the impossible. I have always had this vague vision of achieving the ultimate theory of everything. Having knowledge about abstract things seemed to give me the power to continue in my life, in the belief of achieving an understanding of life. 

I believe that many people ask themselves what is the purpose of their life? I can assure you it's more than to reproduce. We are half spiritual and half physical beings, but for multiple reasons we focus on the material - the physical world too much, which is only damaging. These two phenomena should be in a perfect balance. If you truly let your inner voice (soul, energy, I use all these terms for the same thing) speak, you will find out that no material thing will make you satisfied for long or truly happy. If you look anywhere in the world, the majority of rich people are greedy for more, and the majority of poor people can't evolve much either because they struggle to live and are bound to the physical world with their unsatisfied needs. That's why I am stressing the importance of balance in one's life. We are half physical, so we need material things too but in a moderation. I feel like humans are often skipping the spiritual part so much; they just forget they are not the only body, but they have souls too. And it speaks if you listen.

So what is this so-called purpose of one's life? It's something that is truly making you satisfied, happy and fulfilled, maybe something that you are even afraid of not achieving because it seems too hard or impossible at first. It will cross your mind immediately if you try to think of it, not needing even time to think. It's your soul talking to you through feelings without thinking too much. I realized that we are often depleted of these instinctive feelings and thoughts because we are just too afraid to let it speak. We overthink even simple things, but if we truly calm our minds and just let everything flow naturally, it will manifest itself. I can grant that everyone has a purpose in his/her life. It's the very simple wish every soul has implemented inside and wanting to manifest itself; you just need to stop blocking it. Changing the thinking process helps as well, also meditation can be helpful for unblocking the mind too. But from my experience, the real knowledge comes from realization within the person. Letting the thought process flow without forcing anything, letting the feelings manifest. The purpose of one's life might be idealistic and hard to realize, but trust me - even the thought so vague as changing the world for the better might be the purpose of one's life. Simple things can change the world too (even helping someone on the street or just helping a friend, publishing a positive article, helping a stray animal, anything really), because mankind has a lot of power if it accumulates. Do what you love and find fulfilling. Do things that make you a good person. Do things that aren't opposed to your inner voice.  You can't change all the people in the world, but you can change yourself and make a difference. You can't control the lives of others, but you have the responsibility for your own life and decisions. Don't let fear stop you from following your inner voice. Try always your best and don't give up easily, because hard things are usually the ones which are truly good. Don't follow the crowd, make your own path, because your soul is unique and you have a different path than all the other souls. Don't follow people or any ideology blindly. Don't compare yourself to others. And lastly, don't care too much about what other people do. You have your own path, which you find yourself the right one for you and need to follow to reach balance and certain happiness. Remember, you are given in this world and in this body only borrowed time, so make 100% of it. 

I am not the best person, I am good and bad at the same time. No one is perfect really in this world. and perfection is just an illusion. I am trying to collect enough strength and willpower inside of me to fulfill absolutely everything that I want from living in balance and not being greedy to publishing articles that make difference. Even if it was only one person who felt better after reading it, it would be worth it. My ultimate goal is to stop reading material things and live in balance with a focus on evolving spiritually. I need to keep my physical and spiritual focus in balance too and it might be hard to manage, but I am trying my best. I truly want to be the best version of myself I can and I feel that this is the right path to follow.  

We are here to evolve in many ways. We are here to do things that are right and making us feel good in the long term in ourselves (I can guarantee you, the money or anything that is only physical will perish and won't make you satisfied for long, hence the greed). Everything that is intended to help others and ourselves to be better beings is the right move to make. We need to progress. Our lives are bound to the lives of other beings, humans, animals, or anyone else who seems to be an entity. We are unable to be happy when the happiness isn't shared with others. 

I believe that majority of people are just blinded by our physical world so hard that they tend to completely overlook the true purpose and try to create the fake one based on nonrealistic illusions (Instagram models, youtube stars, singers, etc.). We tend to be greedy about things that are not right as well. Greediness doesn't make a person satisfied even after obtaining certain items, it makes her/him greed even more. Always ask yourself: is this really making me happy? Or is this only something that I use to fill this hole inside me to fill this emptiness? 

Although I have hope in humanity, it's hard to keep it up all the time. I can see injustice, oppression and corruption, and all the bad things and it makes me truly sad. But these are the things I am unable to chance alone. They can be changed throughout the spiritual evolution of all humans (and other species in different worlds) over centuries. Spiritual evolution is the key to the true evolvement of the being and ultimately the soul. I truly believe that my words will reach other individuals, even though it might not be immediate or even in this century. I am not publishing these articles for fame, I believe that this is my purpose. I want to send this message and I feel fulfilled after writing about these abstract phenomena. I knew I loved to write stuff on my blog even before, but I wasn't so committed. I let my soul speak and it told me clearly to continue to do what I find fulfilling, which is for me obtaining as much knowledge as I can and spreading what can be helpful and used in the future too. Please remember one thing - humans won't really evolve if they evolve physically or if they make high-tech only. We need spiritual enlightenment too, only that way we can progress forward.


Many people are afraid what is going to happen with them after they die, although there is nothing to fear. The Human soul (spirit, energy) just can't perish, only transform. Einstein also said: energy can not be created nor destroyed, only transformed. We are also energetic beings so we can not be fully destroyed (only our physical bodies can be destroyed). I witnessed first hand an overwhelming energetic response from the person which was pronounced to be "dead". It was such transcendental experience for me that I fully can't explain nor comprehend what exactly happened to me. It was the most beautiful energetic wave approaching my own room, with the sky blue shade, slowly overflowing whole room and me. I thought I was hallucinating, but my dad saw it too. It is not just my experience, there are many people I talked to who had multiple experiences with "dead" people transitioning to the other dimension (the non-physical, perfect world) and giving multiple signs to their loved ones while looking for the close souls to join in the other world. 

I can assure you that on the other side is no hell. Hellish can be only our time here. If we get close to this Higher energy which basically splits itself to create us and everything, we can feel fully happy, calm, perfect and whole again. We can understand everything once again.

The soul we have can't remember the past lives it had before. The reason is simple - we could not handle it and focus on our lives fully if we had this knowledge constantly in the mind. Our conscious mind just filtrates it, but for example, through past life regression, it is possible to understand our past from different lives too. Of course, there are people who are aware of some of their past lives, but it's really rare. Hence, we are this life, only this person and for the other humans, we mean what we mean this life. This is not the case though after we die. We are WHOLE ONLY after we "die" here. But death is only a door to the other world, so there is no reason to fear death and I personally am looking forward to experiencing this happiness and knowledge again after I die (I am not suicidal, just for the record). I understand many people can't understand what I am writing, but I would feel really pointless if I couldn't pass this information for the next generations, which may have more understanding. 

As previously stated, the soul is immortal but is gonna be reborn until it reaches perfection. It might take millions of years in a million different worlds, planets and meeting with many different people. But from what I witnessed this closeness, sympathy and destiny meetings which occur during our lives are absolutely not random. There is such thing as fate when it comes to certain key events. Some things just can't be prevented, and meeting the close ones from previous lives is one of them. We tend to do the same mistakes and fear certain things, even without a valid reason. As someone who graduated from psychology, I can tell you that psychology doesn't have the answers to so many things that the only thing which can possibly explain human psyche or the soul is the existence of the non-physical world and immortality of the soul. After reaching the state of perfection and learning everything it can throughout experiences in many lives it lived, it can be finally reunited with the higher energy (or The God, which is by any means not a person like some people imagine it). This state is going to last for eternity and it's something that a mere human can't possibly understand, nor can I. 

As I mentioned before, there is no hell. But this life can be hell for me, or for any of you because of the karma accumulated throughout past lives/life. After one dies, the soul is always transitioned into another dimension where it understands all the questions it had before and looks at things completely differently than when it was trapped in the physical body and the physical world. This state of happiness in this dimension doesn't last forever, though. The soul is still imperfect and hence needs to be born again. This cycle will continue until the soul is cleansed and evolved onto the highest level, then it won't be born again.


Many people wonder why are some people rich, bad, and still in a good health are relatively happy. How can karma exist if this is possible? Well, the answer is more than satisfying, trust me. 

Everything that we do in THIS current life is written to the soul without the possibility of removing it under any condition (confessing sins won't help). Every crime, every kindness, every thought, action, feeling, they are all there. The soul accumulates all these experiences throughout life and next life (maybe not in this world, but in the other one, in completely different physical form) it will be all accounted for. People who are very cruel and bad will be born as the weakest and most fragile next life (and will suffer a lot) in order to learn and evolve spiritually. 

Seemingly we pity some people who are suffering (like disabled people) but trust me, their souls are learning even this way. We have no way of looking into their past lives or know what they did in previous lives, even though it may sound cruel. 

People are asking very often - why did this happen to me? What have I done? And the answer is there are certain key events which you must encounter throughout life - like meeting the close souls from the previous life, going somewhere, screwing up your life, even watching some movies or bumping into certain topics can lead your life in a completely different direction than before. Remember though that even in the worst situation you still have freedom of choice (even if it's very limited!). You can still decide what to do - how to think and how to act, which can completely change the course of your next life. 

Chapter II 

I was thinking about this topic for a while after I lost my beloved mum only a week ago. I am grieving, but I also know that she is at peace (her soul, which is finally whole, not just the person she was in this life). I never understood the world completely before and I have always wondered if I am ever going to fully comprehend why was I born and how exactly was the world created and what is the purpose of existence.

I had a lot of hints, flashbacks, visions, and feelings which were not explainable by current science. Some would call me a madman too (but I don't care anymore). The part of me which cared about what others think died the day I understood almost everything I wanted to know. For people reading my blog - I know that some people will understand what I exactly mean and some won't. The things I am presenting are based on the connection I made with the Higher intelligence (or the Higher energy/Source which is responsible for the creation of the world, and us). I don't have answers for absolutely everything because I am a mere human this life and I wouldn't be able to comprehend some things either. 

My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. - Nikola Tesla

Even the greatest physicist knew that there is something more. For some reason, I have always found him special even though I didn't know anything about him at all, nor his quotes. I felt close. Only a few weeks ago after I already developed my own "theory" of life, I finally managed to google some facts about him. Many of his quotes proved that physics is not opposed to spirituality at all. This certain quote is something that happened to me - I was able to perceive this truth through my brain which basically just somehow got into there without thinking about it logically at all. I thought I would never be able to understand life, death, the creation of life, anything. I was looking for these answers my WHOLE life! I was looking for something to satisfy my cravings for knowing the truth about the purpose, and here, in the worst moment of my life, I discovered something that I couldn't even imagine know a few years, months, weeks ago. How ironic. 

The existence of the world (and other worlds and planets and other life forms) is not a coincidence. Life itself cannot be created out of nothing. I do agree that there was the "Big boom" but I do not agree about randomness. NOTHING is random. In the beginning, there was already Higher energy/ intelligence, which is invisible for us and is consisting of the abilities no humans possess, hence the explanation is very complicated. It could be described as perfect positive energy with infinite power (with no switch). The only true happiness lies within IT. This Higher energy is responsible for the creation of our world and all other worlds and also the whole universe, which has a physical form. You might ask why, well the answer is quite easy - there was nothing else before, only peace in the non-material world but the Energy itself was not able to know itself or anything else. The energy itself had to split partially and created millions of souls and also the physical world, which we have right now.

We are spiritual beings. Our souls (there is potent energy similar to Higher energy in every one of us) are imperfect and primitive until we develop spiritually over millions of years on different planets and in different worlds (there is a reincarnation). The reason for it is that we were given the gift to have our own consciousness and decide for ourselves in order to develop and we were given a dual world. A dual world means that everything has an opposite, like good-bad, ugly-beautiful, fire-water, etc. The only way to learn and develop our souls (energies) is to go through a long process full of suffering (I feel like we suffer more than we have joy), and also short-term happiness. You might notice that people who are highly spiritually evolved are very different from shallow people who are not spiritually developed (or on a very low level). These people are very specific - they are truly close to being good beings, selfless, calm, and modest with a deep understanding of life. The majority of them understand that this physical world and physical things can't bring true happiness into anyone's life, so they focus mainly on developing their souls. Note that even a human which has seemingly everything will never be truly 100% happy, no matter what. Physical-world doesn't allow that. 
Ironically again, we were created in the image of God as the Bible says (but not our human form - our SOUL)! Every religion seems to be missing some aspects though, but if you combine them all you can find the analogy in many aspects, even almost the whole image with different names.

Chapter I 

Is Earth really my home? This idea crossed my mind many times throughout my life. I guess that some people who are reading my blog are feeling the same sometimes. But for me, it's different from people I know in real life and also over the net (and I know many, many people).

Born 11/06/1995 in Slovakia, given human form and a weird soul, this is the beginning of my story.
I have always been very different from other people (yes, I know many people are saying this although they are the same), but my major differences started in primary school. I wasn't much into people and friends, but I spent all my time protecting animals (like slugs or worms) from kids who wanted to hurt them. I didn't care about the people there and had almost no need to talk with them. All I cared about were animals and their feelings & nature. One would say I was weird, basically, because at the age of 3-5 kids don't really realize what it means to hurt other beings and haven't formed this perception of wrong and right because of their age, although I understood it completely, even without anyone telling me somehow. Of course, I am not a saint and I used to be mean to my parrot firstly, but I understood the threshold for pain and never really hurt him. I remember having a friend who was my age (8) later on who didn't understand me picking up earthworms after rain and putting them back into the soil when they didn't make it normally because they started drying up - many of them died too, I am not sure how many I saved but it felt right for me in that age (actually to this age, I feel the need to put them back if they are too far away from soil and it's not soaking wet).

I was bullied in secondary school and even after my first years in the gymnasium. With retrospection and memories associated with secondary school, I realize that I didn't care about things people (and my mother for example) care a lot - like new clothes girls usually like for example. I was bullied because I was really different from my peers and classmates. I didn't understand why having no new, trendy clothes matters and why I can't just wear what I like (I often used to take my mom's clothes from the times when she was younger and loved it). I didn't get the skewed perception of my classmates, who were conformal already at the age of 6. I have always had very strict opinions about certain topics, which were different from my parents or other influencers and close friends, and to this day I can't explain how I gained those. It sometimes felt like they are imprinted in me without me gathering any information, it just felt right... somehow. Sometimes I just felt like something is wrong with certain events in the world and it turned out to be very wrong later. I also formed my own theory of life and the afterlife, but I'm gonna talk about that later. The idea behind this is that I feel like I am keeping many things for myself and later if I die I am gonna for sure regret that I have never stated/stored any opinion on any site where it is visible for people who might understand what I mean in the future.

The part I always skip in my blog is my paranormal experiences. I understand that not many people can understand what I mean because the majority of people never encounter anything that can not be explained, but I did. Many times. Science has no explanation for things I encountered throughout life. And I know many people would find me a fool, but I understand why I never speak about these things in public - people would not understand this. At all. But for the sake of the story to remain truthful I have to add it here, and I don't care anymore what other people will think or say about me anymore regarding this topic. This is a part of me and I'm a sane person. My first "weird" experience happened when I was a little kid around age 6 - multiple times happened that I could move little objects without wanting them just by looking/ concentrating on them (randomly). Although I always believed in magic, this was different. I realized I can't tell anyone about this, because people would question my sanity. I have never told, even to my parents. This ability though disappeared after I was around 10 y.o. or even sooner. There were multiple events when I had a "gut feeling" about something completely random and it proved it to be rightful about certain things, like checking the car randomly when I was 12 y.o. and discovering it was unlocked and similar things, I can't even count it and don't want to waste time to describe this, because I don't find it that interesting as other things I have to tell. When some people died in my family, strange things happened, like with the door itself closing or things falling (without wind). That just confirmed my theory about the existence of souls/ghosts, call it whatever. Just something else than just body and brain. Next events I don't feel yet comfortable explaining, but I had overnight bruises/injuries/burns which could not be explained by anyone for a long time (half a year+) a few years ago - when I was around 19, 20. It happened many times and I also had many times these weird dreams about extraterrestrial beings and conversations with them. Following these events, I've always felt like we can't be only humans in this huge Universe, but this was something kinda frightening on one hand and fascinating on the other. I used to be scared to talk about this and the only person I told is my boyfriend and my cousin.  

To continue my "normal" background - with age, I realized that I need to belong somewhere, but the life of the majority of teens wasn't for me. It just felt wrong to drink or smoke like the majority do, so I ran away to World Of Warcraft, and later, to League of Legends. Always has been some game that took me out of this world and to this day it is still the same. I'm 22 years old, finishing in major psychology at University with no problems in achieving high grades and an excellent memory for school stuff. Although I am not really good at using this potential, because I'm kinda lazy when it comes to school (that's the irony, but I do know a lot of things and have a lot of information & knowledge about many different fields, not just psychology - by that I mean things which matters and I'm interested in). I don't understand the current system in the world and it doesn't make sense to me how people are sometimes so stupid (as opposed of smart, not intelligent) and narrow-minded about certain topics despite having average and sometimes even high IQ.

I'll never stop questioning my own existence and the existence of this reality and the purpose of humankind. One thing is clear to me right now - this world is in hands of powerful people who pull strings and they are not good people, I can assure you of that, but I'll explain later. This world is a kinda rotten place with some exceptions, but there are too many bad things happening out there. Cruel things are performed by cruel people. And the worst, humans are the only beings who are conscious of their crimes. And one more thing to add, which I realized when I was around age 15 - humanity is not ready to open its "eyes". The majority of people can not take responsibility for their lives so they need "leaders". The majority of people are just not spiritually evolved enough to understand certain things and to face reality like it is. They rather stay in their bubbles and believe what the system wants them to believe without critically judging the data they are getting fed. But about that later ...