Have you ever been wondering why you like to read creepy pasta or creepy stories, watch horror movies or watch scary footages of people being assassinated or EVEN go to the next level such as go to the subreddit r/watchpeopledie and scroll through hundreds of videos of people killed in different ways and even enjoy it? (note: in the end of this article I summarized most disturbing subreddit sections, red flag 18+ only!)
First of all, it's a common thing between people, more common than you would think. People just like to be scared. Reasons? The experience of something new and rare brings excitment. Do you remember those times you were just kids and used to just read creepy stories or tried to scare your friends with stories about ghosts or even imitating them? What were your intentions backthen?
Answer to this question is really simple. It's just human nature to seek excitement in everyday life, something different than usual. There is also a reason why we enjoy watching horror movies with another person. We like to observe their reactions as well, just to feed our curiosity (note: I realize that for example some girls might want just to feel safe and cuddle with their bf's while watching it and the motive is different!).
As we grow up, we need something more disturbing than we experienced before because stories of ghosts aren't enough anymore, we need to increase the level to experience the same level of excitement as before. We don't usually watch people die in car accidents or we don't usually experience paranormal phenomena which can be found in horror movies, so we seek it and watch it and at the same time we fear it and the result is an experience of different level of excitement. The same thing with porn. You can check just out of curiosity some sections you don't even like for other purposes than usual. For example, just to make fun of it. This is the same thing but with different content.
So another question: are we messed up in head? I don't think so (except the people who go to the next level of killing someone to experience something more real). We actually don't need to support violence when we watch people being assassinated, we are just naturally curious and excited to see what happens and how exactly. People are actually really complicated when it comes to satisfying their needs, they can be manifested through various objects and phenomena. We might have almost the same needs, but when it comes to a way of satisfying them it's really particular, every person has different tastes (and I'm not talking just about food, generally).
So basically, this fear we enjoy is done so just because we know that we are not threatened or no one important to us is being threatened. If we would find some disturbing content with someone who is related to us, that "exciting" fear would turn into real fear. Also, not every person can watch real people die, some people just watch these relatively unreal horror movies, because they realize what happens in the movie can't be real and that makes them feel safe. Also, some people don't really seek scary content, it really depends. I can say that I need new stimuli in my life and I simply enjoy watching messed up reddit threads and horror movies because it satisfies this need. But of course, I don't support the idea that mentally unstable people or especially kids should watch something like this because it can mess them up .
Most disturbing content on reddit (red flag, 18+ only):
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