Sometimes I really wonder why people underestimate supports and don't see them equal to other roles. I occasionally play mid lane and that's the time when I clearly realize how important is the role of support. Yes, I main support, mainly "protective" supports like Soraka, Janna, Lulu, Karma, Nami, but I never thought about myself as about someone who just got carried to higher division because of that.

But seriously, some people claim that when your main supports like Janna, who can just shield ADC, stay behind are getting carried by their teammates. Is it true? Well, from my experience, no, it's not enough to just do that and get carried. I don't doubt that some people below dia (not all, but just my experiences) think about supports this way because there are not very good players (no offense). But when it comes to higher diamond/Master/Challenger you need to have a really good knowledge about a game if you want to play and main supports. It's not just about shielding on cooldown your ad carry. Claims like "supports like Janna getting carried, no real supps" are literally giving me cancer. 

Role of support, the real support is about having a great map awareness and also control with a well-placed vision across the map (stealth wards, vision wards) and also clearing enemy's vision, it's crucial for winning a game (ambushes, facechecks, objectives). Also, you need to have a knowledge about what you can afford in trades on bot lane, know how to position yourself in team fights to not die and the most important thing is that you need to know how to protect your ad carry.   And it most cases when you are against a team with a lot of assassins or tanks or just fed mages you have a big struggle to do it the right way. Not to mention a win on bot during the laning phase is based mostly on how support performs.

To explain furthermore, in my opinion, it's not easy protecting an ad carry even if you play "an easy" champion like Janna. Honestly, she might have fewer skillshots but the thing is not many people know how to play her in the correct way. First thing is you need to know how to trade on bot lane which is really difficult against aggressive supports like Thresh/Braum/Bard who just take ignite and after they land some skillshot you are usually dead (or your ad carry). Not to mention the importance of Janna's ultimate and Q spell. You need to have a good reaction time in team fights and use the ultimate properly, otherwise, you can fail whole team fight/your ad carry or someone else die.

Main supports, don't get annoyed by people who don't appreciate your role. There's absolutely nothing wrong with gaining supports if you really enjoy that :).

Hey guys, I just wanted to share some thoughts with you related to League of Legends. I had some dia 2 struggles on EUNE these weeks and couldn't reach diamond 2 at all. I tried every day to get diamond 2, was in series and lost like 5 times, maybe even more. Although I didn't rage quit or anything like that, I just somehow dealt with it and tried to accept that if I really deserve that division soon or later I will just get there. And it actually worked! I tryharded every game I played and I can say that being positive and just trying each game my best got me into diamond 1 again. I know that many people are saying that EUNE is a lot easier when you compare it to EUW, although I have to say that in dia elo aren't such differences. I have diamond 4 on EUW and those people are just the same as on East in d2,d3 elo. So if you really want something stop mocking around and try harder! :3 note: I played midlane and I was like a supp :<

This is actually a really hot topic in every gaming community, not just when it comes to the League of Legends community. 

People, mostly boys are assuming that grill gamers are just boosted to higher divisions by their friends. Why? Well, the answer is very simple - because they are girls (◣_◢).

I've actually witnessed first-hand multiple times how people react when you have high elo/tier/division/rating in World of Warcraft or League of Legends. It does not matter how you achieved it tbh, your rank will be questioned NO MATTER WHAT based on your gender and I guarantee that boys won't go through the same hassle even if they posted the same screenshot/had exactly same stats as you (because they are boys after all).

So, are we all truly "boosted"? What does it even mean? In competitive gaming, namely League of Legends, a word describing a player who has had a player log into his or her account and raised the rank of the account. I am 100% sure that there are girls who are just getting straight boosted to a higher division from silver to get that fancy gold border, but that's only a small percentage of the cases.

League of Legends community is forgetting something; they accuse only GIRLS for some reason and I think that's a complex of superiority, hiding their inferiority when they see a girl with higher rank and get jealous of that or can be caused also by stereotypes in gaming culture and culture itself. Every time I see girls somewhere posting her achievements in games, to some group on Facebook or on Twitter, boys are spamming "boosted grill", "boosted" or even calling her slut. Why are they doing this, though? I have seen so many times BOYS who even paid for higher division (I mean there is even elo boosting when you search on google) and it's a common thing that they also play with their friends who are smurfing in low elo to boost them for free. 

Let me clarify something - I know it's not fair that some girl/boy is playing with smurfs who are clearly really high division but why the hell does League community always point out this behavior only when girls are included and boys don't get this "special treatment"?

Of course, more boys play League than girls so it's logical, but I don't think a girl would pay for something like that anyway (?).  In general, I am more than certain than boys are more likely to get their higher-ranked friends to play on their accounts (or strangers in case of elo boosting sites) only because they like to brag about it in front of other people and due to their competitiveness. Note: of course we can find exceptions everywhere.

The second case is that people are replacing the real definition of boosted with just "getting carried". Carry is a definition of someone who is a primary carrying the game by killing other players or assisting allies to slay other players and has a great influence on a game. So people refer to girls as "you were just carried to this elo". Arguments for this are associated with Dynamic Queue in League of Legends which allows you to invite other players to your ranked game. The first thing why this argument is kind of invalid is that you can't duo/triple queue with someone who is absolutely out of your elo because League itself doesn't allow you to do that. For example Diamond I: Can only queue with Diamond I, II, III, IV, Challenger, and Master Tier players, while Silver Tier: Can only queue with Bronze, Silver and Gold Tier players. For more information click here.

What is really making me think that the gaming community lost common sense is also that this looks like girls can't even play with friends any more? If I am having fun with my friend while I am playing duo queue, should I stop doing that just because someone thinks that my friend is carrying me to higher elo? Of course no!

I think that most of the players play games because they want to have fun and I see no reason to accuse dumb assumptions like that. I personally love playing supports in League and main Soraka, which is a healer/support champion. I play duo queue often and also triple queue as well because I enjoy it more than playing alone. I don't consider myself boosted. I am trying hard each game to improve and to win a game, I'm trying to be positive and somehow cheer up myself even if I'm losing. In most cases, I win bot lane and I'm still useful in late as well (of course there are exceptions, but not many, everyone has bad games).

My point is that almost all boys I know who play League play with their friends' dynamic queue, so they are getting carried as well? Should we comment every boy who plays with his friend or friends as carried by him/them? That's just stupid! At this point, you should already realize how stupid is commenting on every girl that she is boosted/ carried. It's pointless. I have advice for people who do that: let people live their lives and enjoy their favorite activities because that's what's life about. Being happy. Why spreading hate even in the game which should lead to fun? :)