Chapter V: The purpose of life


Would you believe me if I told you that a few weeks ago I had literally only vague answers about this topic and was completely lost in my vague thoughts about all the information I now put into words on my blog? 

Well, that is the case. I have always been chasing the impossible. I have always had this vague vision of achieving the ultimate theory of everything. Having knowledge about abstract things seemed to give me the power to continue in my life, in the belief of achieving an understanding of life. 

I believe that many people ask themselves what is the purpose of their life? I can assure you it's more than to reproduce. We are half spiritual and half physical beings, but for multiple reasons we focus on the material - the physical world too much, which is only damaging. These two phenomena should be in a perfect balance. If you truly let your inner voice (soul, energy, I use all these terms for the same thing) speak, you will find out that no material thing will make you satisfied for long or truly happy. If you look anywhere in the world, the majority of rich people are greedy for more, and the majority of poor people can't evolve much either because they struggle to live and are bound to the physical world with their unsatisfied needs. That's why I am stressing the importance of balance in one's life. We are half physical, so we need material things too but in a moderation. I feel like humans are often skipping the spiritual part so much; they just forget they are not the only body, but they have souls too. And it speaks if you listen.

So what is this so-called purpose of one's life? It's something that is truly making you satisfied, happy and fulfilled, maybe something that you are even afraid of not achieving because it seems too hard or impossible at first. It will cross your mind immediately if you try to think of it, not needing even time to think. It's your soul talking to you through feelings without thinking too much. I realized that we are often depleted of these instinctive feelings and thoughts because we are just too afraid to let it speak. We overthink even simple things, but if we truly calm our minds and just let everything flow naturally, it will manifest itself. I can grant that everyone has a purpose in his/her life. It's the very simple wish every soul has implemented inside and wanting to manifest itself; you just need to stop blocking it. Changing the thinking process helps as well, also meditation can be helpful for unblocking the mind too. But from my experience, the real knowledge comes from realization within the person. Letting the thought process flow without forcing anything, letting the feelings manifest. The purpose of one's life might be idealistic and hard to realize, but trust me - even the thought so vague as changing the world for the better might be the purpose of one's life. Simple things can change the world too (even helping someone on the street or just helping a friend, publishing a positive article, helping a stray animal, anything really), because mankind has a lot of power if it accumulates. Do what you love and find fulfilling. Do things that make you a good person. Do things that aren't opposed to your inner voice.  You can't change all the people in the world, but you can change yourself and make a difference. You can't control the lives of others, but you have the responsibility for your own life and decisions. Don't let fear stop you from following your inner voice. Try always your best and don't give up easily, because hard things are usually the ones which are truly good. Don't follow the crowd, make your own path, because your soul is unique and you have a different path than all the other souls. Don't follow people or any ideology blindly. Don't compare yourself to others. And lastly, don't care too much about what other people do. You have your own path, which you find yourself the right one for you and need to follow to reach balance and certain happiness. Remember, you are given in this world and in this body only borrowed time, so make 100% of it. 

I am not the best person, I am good and bad at the same time. No one is perfect really in this world. and perfection is just an illusion. I am trying to collect enough strength and willpower inside of me to fulfill absolutely everything that I want from living in balance and not being greedy to publishing articles that make difference. Even if it was only one person who felt better after reading it, it would be worth it. My ultimate goal is to stop reading material things and live in balance with a focus on evolving spiritually. I need to keep my physical and spiritual focus in balance too and it might be hard to manage, but I am trying my best. I truly want to be the best version of myself I can and I feel that this is the right path to follow.  

We are here to evolve in many ways. We are here to do things that are right and making us feel good in the long term in ourselves (I can guarantee you, the money or anything that is only physical will perish and won't make you satisfied for long, hence the greed). Everything that is intended to help others and ourselves to be better beings is the right move to make. We need to progress. Our lives are bound to the lives of other beings, humans, animals, or anyone else who seems to be an entity. We are unable to be happy when the happiness isn't shared with others. 

I believe that majority of people are just blinded by our physical world so hard that they tend to completely overlook the true purpose and try to create the fake one based on nonrealistic illusions (Instagram models, youtube stars, singers, etc.). We tend to be greedy about things that are not right as well. Greediness doesn't make a person satisfied even after obtaining certain items, it makes her/him greed even more. Always ask yourself: is this really making me happy? Or is this only something that I use to fill this hole inside me to fill this emptiness? 

Although I have hope in humanity, it's hard to keep it up all the time. I can see injustice, oppression and corruption, and all the bad things and it makes me truly sad. But these are the things I am unable to chance alone. They can be changed throughout the spiritual evolution of all humans (and other species in different worlds) over centuries. Spiritual evolution is the key to the true evolvement of the being and ultimately the soul. I truly believe that my words will reach other individuals, even though it might not be immediate or even in this century. I am not publishing these articles for fame, I believe that this is my purpose. I want to send this message and I feel fulfilled after writing about these abstract phenomena. I knew I loved to write stuff on my blog even before, but I wasn't so committed. I let my soul speak and it told me clearly to continue to do what I find fulfilling, which is for me obtaining as much knowledge as I can and spreading what can be helpful and used in the future too. Please remember one thing - humans won't really evolve if they evolve physically or if they make high-tech only. We need spiritual enlightenment too, only that way we can progress forward.

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