CHAPTER IV: Afterlife


Many people are afraid what is going to happen with them after they die, although there is nothing to fear. The Human soul (spirit, energy) just can't perish, only transform. Einstein also said: energy can not be created nor destroyed, only transformed. We are also energetic beings so we can not be fully destroyed (only our physical bodies can be destroyed). I witnessed first hand an overwhelming energetic response from the person which was pronounced to be "dead". It was such transcendental experience for me that I fully can't explain nor comprehend what exactly happened to me. It was the most beautiful energetic wave approaching my own room, with the sky blue shade, slowly overflowing whole room and me. I thought I was hallucinating, but my dad saw it too. It is not just my experience, there are many people I talked to who had multiple experiences with "dead" people transitioning to the other dimension (the non-physical, perfect world) and giving multiple signs to their loved ones while looking for the close souls to join in the other world. 

I can assure you that on the other side is no hell. Hellish can be only our time here. If we get close to this Higher energy which basically splits itself to create us and everything, we can feel fully happy, calm, perfect and whole again. We can understand everything once again.

The soul we have can't remember the past lives it had before. The reason is simple - we could not handle it and focus on our lives fully if we had this knowledge constantly in the mind. Our conscious mind just filtrates it, but for example, through past life regression, it is possible to understand our past from different lives too. Of course, there are people who are aware of some of their past lives, but it's really rare. Hence, we are this life, only this person and for the other humans, we mean what we mean this life. This is not the case though after we die. We are WHOLE ONLY after we "die" here. But death is only a door to the other world, so there is no reason to fear death and I personally am looking forward to experiencing this happiness and knowledge again after I die (I am not suicidal, just for the record). I understand many people can't understand what I am writing, but I would feel really pointless if I couldn't pass this information for the next generations, which may have more understanding. 

As previously stated, the soul is immortal but is gonna be reborn until it reaches perfection. It might take millions of years in a million different worlds, planets and meeting with many different people. But from what I witnessed this closeness, sympathy and destiny meetings which occur during our lives are absolutely not random. There is such thing as fate when it comes to certain key events. Some things just can't be prevented, and meeting the close ones from previous lives is one of them. We tend to do the same mistakes and fear certain things, even without a valid reason. As someone who graduated from psychology, I can tell you that psychology doesn't have the answers to so many things that the only thing which can possibly explain human psyche or the soul is the existence of the non-physical world and immortality of the soul. After reaching the state of perfection and learning everything it can throughout experiences in many lives it lived, it can be finally reunited with the higher energy (or The God, which is by any means not a person like some people imagine it). This state is going to last for eternity and it's something that a mere human can't possibly understand, nor can I. 

As I mentioned before, there is no hell. But this life can be hell for me, or for any of you because of the karma accumulated throughout past lives/life. After one dies, the soul is always transitioned into another dimension where it understands all the questions it had before and looks at things completely differently than when it was trapped in the physical body and the physical world. This state of happiness in this dimension doesn't last forever, though. The soul is still imperfect and hence needs to be born again. This cycle will continue until the soul is cleansed and evolved onto the highest level, then it won't be born again.

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