I've kept asking the same question my entire life from my childhood (despite wanting to see everything positive like some people suggest, it's completely impossible for me to see our world this way). The reason is very simple - I see so many wrong things on so many levels in this world that I just can't keep "only positive" mind. And I do not feel bad for it. This is me. I accepted that I am made this way, I am made this way to point out what is wrong with the current world and society because I feel the need to do so. If someone chooses to be blind to it, then so be it, but I feel the need to express my feelings/ thoughts freely without any restrictions. 

1. "People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think." - Huxley. 

Yes. It's not just about the disinformation in the media all over (TV is actually the worst because there is only propaganda which is completely controlled, compared to the internet where you can find some good sources), but also about decreasing the ability to critically think about events or things in general. It seems like people get so easily deceived by sweet talks instead of trying to find the truth from multiple sources and actually THINKING about things instead of accepting everything what some authority/celebrity or whoever who has the position to influence masses says. Another great example is adoration of celebrities who achieved literally nothing except being famous for being "attractive". No matter how dumb they are. Viva Kardashians! These role models bring absolutely no value and show no valuable morals whatsoever.

2. We are literally amusing ourselves to death. 

Ignorance is bliss, isn't it? So many people/animals/environment suffer, but we keep a blind eye on it.  We just go on with our everyday lives. Instead of focusing on what matters,  people focus on doing things which are considered "fun". Shopping, clubbing, drinking, chit-chatting, small talks and stuff. You know what I mean. We forgot to be serious about things and responsible. For ourselves (which is very sad by the way).

3. "When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money."

I can't stress this enough. We are not treating our planet and environment right. Everything we have here is only for a borrowed time. Nature is alive. Despite this all being said, humans are destroying nature and treating it like it's owned by them and they can do whatever they want with it. It has never belonged to us and never will. And it backfires on us already as we plague it (every other person will get diagnosed with cancer nowadays throughout their life).

Animals are equals to us, they have the same right to live as we do. Yet some humans eat meat when it's absolutely not necessary. Yet some humans destroy their natural environment for profit. Choosing to eat animal meat leads to cruelty, barbarism, waste of food & destroying the environment. 70% of the grain we grow goes to animals which are going to be a slaughter for literally no reason. We are supposed to treasure and protect nature & living beings, but instead, people destroy them & don't value them at all. 

We are all being too shallow. Including me, even though I am really trying to not waste too much money on pointless things. Yes, this system is making us think that we need to earn a lot of money to get all the things we see everywhere. But... do these things make us really happy? Do they really make that emptiness in our souls disappear? I will add Shania Twain reference here - our religion is to go and "blow it all". All we ever want is more (a lot more than we had before). But my question for you is where is the point of this unsustainable all-consuming lifestyle & world? Maybe if we rather focused on developing our morals and spirituality or simply said, if we rather focused on how to be good people would be enough to evolve and not feel empty internally. 

4. People fail to see the bigger picture: elites & bankers behind this fucked up system. 

Clearly, these are people who are actually pulling the strings from behind, horrible people who only thrive power & control over masses. We are like a battery in the system, yet we fail to realize it. We just follow the same paths blinded by a vision of "democracy" which does not exist. We are not free. Your life is linked - you have to attend a school, you have to work if you want to live a decent life, you have to follow so many rules & accept so many restrictions or you will be punished. Everything belongs to someone and you are basically forced to get some money in order to get at least "standard quality" life. 

That's the world we live in. That's the system SOMEONE implemented here. You think there is not enough food or money for everyone to live a good life? Of course, there is and I believe you already know it. Greediness has no limit when it comes to elites who hide behind the biggest companies/ banks. Our food became poisoned and low quality, filled with chemical toxins. Pharma industry is expanding despite not really curing, merely suppressing something and failing. Why succeed with curing when you need sick people for the profit? Politicians are merely puppets in the hands of elites. But if you are looking for the guilty you just need to look into a mirror. We are enablers of THIS. We let this happen to ourselves. 

5. How to fix this mess?

The most important part of this topic! Start with fixing yourself. Easiest method fully approved by me is to critically think about absolutely everything what you encounter. Don't just accept information recklessly. Pay close attention to your environment - show that you care & value nature and animals. Don't get too obsessed with material belongings. They will all perish and won't bring you long-term happiness nor satisfaction. Do not try to be a person you are not for the highest price which is losing yourself, your true identity. You might not be understood by people, you might be considered weird but that's okay. There are people who will understand you and you will meet them for sure and that's better than forcing yourself into the group of people where you don't belong and where you would just "play games". Stay true to yourself. Be the person you won't be ashamed of when you look in the mirror before you go to sleep.